Hidrocolonterapia Valencia

Terapias alternativas para tu salud y equilibrio emocional.

Excelente atención y resultados garantizados.


Centro de Bienestar Kamali

Con más de 20 años de experiencia, ofrecemos terapias alternativas para armonizar cuerpo y mente, promoviendo la salud integral a través de servicios de alta calidad.

Limpieza del colon
Limpieza del colon



Clientes satisfechos

Salud y bienestar

Servicios de Bienestar

Ofrecemos terapias alternativas para armonizar cuerpo y mente, promoviendo la salud integral de nuestros clientes.

Limpieza de Colon e intestinos para el estreñimientoLimpieza de Colon e intestinos para el estreñimiento

Desintoxicación del colon con una maquina que mejora la salud gastrointestinal y emocional de manera efectiva y natural.

Masajes Relajantes

Alivio profundo de tensiones musculares mediante masajes descontracturantes de fascias, promoviendo bienestar físico.

Galería Bienestar

Descubre nuestros servicios de salud holística y terapias alternativas.

Several wellness products are arranged on a surface. There is a box labeled 'Eir Health Sleep No. 10' that indicates it contains CBD products for calming and sleep aid, featuring evening oil with lavender and melatonin. Beside it, a pouch labeled 'Midnight Chill' contains bath salts. In front, there is a bath bomb with a subtle gray and blue design.
Several wellness products are arranged on a surface. There is a box labeled 'Eir Health Sleep No. 10' that indicates it contains CBD products for calming and sleep aid, featuring evening oil with lavender and melatonin. Beside it, a pouch labeled 'Midnight Chill' contains bath salts. In front, there is a bath bomb with a subtle gray and blue design.
A typewriter with a sheet of paper in the carriage displaying the text 'WELLNESS TECH'. The typewriter is situated on a wooden surface, contributing to a vintage look.
A typewriter with a sheet of paper in the carriage displaying the text 'WELLNESS TECH'. The typewriter is situated on a wooden surface, contributing to a vintage look.
A collection of wellness products is displayed, including a brown glass dropper bottle with a blue label, jars with cream-colored labels, a small bowl with powder, and several capsules scattered on a light surface. Packaging with minimalist design features the brand 'beam' and labels such as 'clarity,' 'the fixer,' and 'revive.'
A collection of wellness products is displayed, including a brown glass dropper bottle with a blue label, jars with cream-colored labels, a small bowl with powder, and several capsules scattered on a light surface. Packaging with minimalist design features the brand 'beam' and labels such as 'clarity,' 'the fixer,' and 'revive.'
A store shelf filled with various health and wellness products, including lotions, creams, and lip balms. The shelf features brands like Charlotte's Web, Social, Joy, and Green Roads. Products are labeled with prices and organized neatly by brand. The shelf is painted in a light green color, complementing the packaging design of many products.
A store shelf filled with various health and wellness products, including lotions, creams, and lip balms. The shelf features brands like Charlotte's Web, Social, Joy, and Green Roads. Products are labeled with prices and organized neatly by brand. The shelf is painted in a light green color, complementing the packaging design of many products.

Las terapias en Centro Bienestar Kamali transformaron mi salud física y emocional. ¡Altamente recomendado!

María López

A woman is sitting in a relaxed pose, smiling while holding a black bottle with a leaf design. Another person, partially visible, is handing her a dropper bottle. They appear to be in a fitness setting, suggested by straps hanging in the background.
A woman is sitting in a relaxed pose, smiling while holding a black bottle with a leaf design. Another person, partially visible, is handing her a dropper bottle. They appear to be in a fitness setting, suggested by straps hanging in the background.
A group of people sits under a colorful tent made of red, yellow, and orange fabric. They appear to be attending a workshop or class. A chalkboard on the left lists a schedule with topics like 'Food as Medicine' and 'Healthy Lifestyle.' The participants sit on mats and blankets, listening to someone speaking at the front. The atmosphere is casual and relaxed with shoes and personal items placed on the grass nearby.
A group of people sits under a colorful tent made of red, yellow, and orange fabric. They appear to be attending a workshop or class. A chalkboard on the left lists a schedule with topics like 'Food as Medicine' and 'Healthy Lifestyle.' The participants sit on mats and blankets, listening to someone speaking at the front. The atmosphere is casual and relaxed with shoes and personal items placed on the grass nearby.
